Habits of Influential People- What the rich do to get richer.

 All of us want to be like the rich and famous because, to us, these people are successful. We want to learn how they achieved this success and what they did to get where they are. People like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and the like have definitely worked hard, but here are a few tips on what they did differently than the average person, which helped them get where they are today. 

One of the things the rich and successful do is...you guessed it, they READ. Reading is a very powerful tool that these people take full advantage of to gain more knowledge about things they do not know. Bill Gates reads 50 books per year, that's nearly one per week. Can you imagine how much knowledge this man has! It's insane! Reading books on how to manage money, how to manage and conduct ourselves and how to run a business are a few things that these people have taught themselves. (follow our Instagram to learn about the best books in all categories)

Networking is something all rich and successful people are pros at! They surround themselves with like-minded people who have motivation, talent and perseverance. They learn about things they didn't know about through people. They attend events, seminars, conferences to learn about new things from experienced people. 

These people are always open to bettering themselves. They are never overconfident and always believe that something can be changed and made better. They do this by reading and educating themselves, by speaking too people who know more than them in that particular field and by researching and learning. Knowledge is power, and they take full advantage of their resources to grow. 

Rich and successful people are know how to manage their money. They do this by themselves, but usually by hiring people who are experts. They have a financial growth mindset and are always open to learning more on how they can save taxes, invest in appreciating assets and increase their overall net worth. 

If you see, most rich and successful people will not have just one stream of income, they will many. Whether that is owning different business, or investing in start up companies, or taking up other traditional methods of investing, they will never rely on just one outcome. There are two types of income- Active income and Passive income. To put it simply, active income is the money you are actively working hard for, for example running a business. And passive income, in short is 'easy money'. For example rental property and dividend stocks. 

Here were a few things that you can incorporate in your lives, to get to where you want to be!

Tell us some of your tips in the comments down below!


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