Efficient ways to study smarter, not harder

 During this pandemic, our ways of studying have drastically changed...atleast for me (at one point i think i forgot how to study). Staying motivated has been a challenge for many us and because of that our grades have dropped. To avoid this and continue a healthy work-life balance, let's take this refresher course on a few ways that can help us study effectively, without sitting at our desks for hours on end. 

1. The Pomodoro Technique 

This technique helps us manage our time better, without getting flustered, despite how much work we have. The pomodoro technique helps us break long periods of study time into shorter intervals, to help us study for prolonged periods of time. 

One of my favourite apps to keep track of time is the 'Be Focused Timer'. You can easily add work/break time sections along with labels for each activity. 

2. Study chapters in chunks

When I have a chapter to study, I like to break into four chunks. I study each chunk on a different day. A scientific study shows that the human brain remembers unfinished tasks much better than completed tasks. This is called as the Zeigarnik Effect. 

I can tell you from personal experience that this method works very well. But keep in mind you cannot do this if you're cramming for a test, because well...you dont have that much time to study. 

3. 20% Read, 80% Recite 

While I was doing my research for this particular post, I came across this technique. Reading a chapter will only help you remember so much information. It is when you question yourself and revise what you learnt, can you thoroughly score well in a test. I like to read my chapter 3 to 4 times or until I can remember certain topics by heart. Then I like to type out all possible questions I can formulate based on the chapter. And I go on from there! 

4. Short Notes 

Making your own notes, either in class or at home while studying will help you understand and remember concepts. While making notes, keep in mind that notes with short statements with bullet marks or arrows will help you revise quickly before an exam. Drawing diagrams also helps. This way you will be covering your study material in a short period of time, yet not compromising on the quality of your work. After all, we want to study smart, not hard!

5. Past Papers & Syllabus 

Going through past papers of the subject as well as the syllabus will help you study important topics under each chapter. This way you won't be wasting time learning topics that you will never be questioned on. If a question has come in more than one year's paper, that means its important  and you should learn it. 

These are all the techniques I have researched and tried out myself. I can tell you for sure that all of these work. Comment below your favourite study tips and tricks!

Happy Studying📚                         


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