10 ways to be more productive and prevent burn out!

As a college student I know how frustrating feeling unproductive can be. This usually results from experiencing burn out, fatigue and exhaustion which keeps you from getting your assignments done in time and the work just keeps piling on and the spiral keeps getting worse. 

From my past experiences I have learnt that the best way to prevent burn out and boost productivity is by being organised and systematic. Time management is also very essential to be productive. 

Here are a few tips that help me stay productive and prevent burn out:

1. Stop multi- tasking!!

This is so important because the more things you take on, the faster you burn out. Research shows that you get things done faster by focusing on one task at a time. So stop watching Netflix on split screen while doing your homework and just focus on getting one thing done. This way you won't have any wrong answers, since your gave your 100% in doing the task and you'll get it done much quicker. 

2. Prioritise!!

Making a priority list or organising your to-do list from most to least important will save you SO MUCH time! This way you will know what needs to get done before the others and you won't be scrambled mess when the due date is nearing. 

3. Note down deadlines👏🏻

I cannot emphasise how important this is. Dont think that you will remember when something is due, because I tell you out of experience that you won't. Make a document where you write down all your upcoming tests or due dates and keep checking that document. I like to make sticky note on my desktop, that way every time I open my laptop, im seeing that list. 

I also like to use Notion, to organise my deadlines. 

Make sure your setting reminders in your calendar a few day PRIOR to the actual deadline, so in case you've forgotten about it, you still have enough time to get it done. 

4. Do the most dreaded tasks first!

We usually tend to procrastinate tasks we don't like and then we end up cramming to get it done in time, which will probably lead to burn out and then you feel un-productive for a week, you see where im going with this. To avoid this crazy cycle finish off the assignments or tasks that you hate first. 

5. Its okay to say no!

When you already have a ton of work for the upcoming week and your friend asks you to help her out with her assignment, SAY NO. You dont have to be mean about it, but you could always explain the situation and im sure she would understand, if she doesn't, well..its time to drop that friend. Dont take on more than you can do!

6. Learn to take big breaks!

If you have had a really tough week, make sure to take a day off from all work. Watch Netflix all day or read a book or get out of town, whatever helps you unwind. Taking a break from your routine helps clear your head and makes you refreshed. You will feel this wave of guilt at some point in the day, but I urge you to get through it, because you will feel ready and in charge to take on the next week. 

7. Find different ways to study

Finding scientific researched methods of studying will help you learn quicker and get more work done in less time. I always believe in working smarter and not harder. Here are methods that I incorporate while studying:

Active Recall

Active recall is when you actively stimulate your memory for a piece of information. Active recall has several methods within in it, but the one that I know and use is Flashcards. After studying a chapter of any subject, I go ahead and make flashcards of the most important questions. On one side of the paper I write the question and on the other side, the answer. While revising before a test, I like to go through the flashcards instead of the entire chapter. This way I know which questions I know the answers to and which ones I need to learn the answers to. 

How I use active recall to study chapters?

I open the text book in front of me with one coloured pen and a blank page on my laptop (I use notion>toggle feature, equivalent to flashcards). I start of by reading the chapter around 3 to 4 times, until I have partially memorised it. Then I go ahead and write any question I can formulate based on the chapter and its contents. I write the answer under the toggle, if you're using notion or on the other side of the paper on a flashcard. When I try and answer the questions the first time around, I get a lot of them wrong, I see the answer, memorise It and move on to the next. The more number of times I go through the list of questions, the more I remember them. This is how I practise active recall

There are other methods such as the Pomodoro technique and the Cornell method of taking notes, you could research them if you'd like. 

8. Take a break from social media 

When your scrolling through Instagram on your day off and you see your friends completing projects, you feel a sense of FOMO and you'll want to get back to your work. This is why, limit you time on social media and take the day to unwind instead. Dont have Instagram open when your trying to study, because it is going to distract you. 

9. Eat, sleep and drink enough water

Taking care of your mental health is important, but so is your physical health. Make sure you are hydrated (lets be honest, and caffeinated ;)) before you start a study session. Eat healthy snacks frequently during the session and make sure to take small breaks. Make sure to sleep as well! Your brain and eyes need a break, so make sure you have a good 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night!

10. Celebrate your accomplishments👏🏻👏🏻

Make sure to congratulate yourself if you score well in a test or did well in a presentation. Celebrating your accomplishments is very important because it will help you to keep going. Focusing on your achievements will give you the confidence to take on greater things!

These were my tips that help me stay productive. I hope you incorporate a few of these!

Happy studying!📝

Disclaimer: This post is for knowledge and educational purposes only.


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