Dealing with Anxiety and Overthinking

Overcoming Anxiety And Solutions to Overthinking 

All of us have certain insecurities that we are conscious about all the time. We often feel anxious when we leave the house, but we don't know why. Sometimes we feel like a burden to others, often time we feel under- appreciated. Life is full of conflicts, and most of our time is spent trying to fight off these conflicts, sometimes we must learn to completely surrender. Here are a few ways how:

1. Practicing mindfulness!

Mindfulness is simply being aware of your mental state. How your feeling-happy, sad, anxious, sick, annoyed, irrupted, angry, the list goes on. After figuring WHAT you're feeling, its time to think about WHY you're feeling that particular emotion. It might be because something is stressing you that day, or because something has triggered you to feel that way. Labelling your emotion and finding out the cause of it will help you deal with it in a much nicer way, in a way that is gentle yet effective. 

2. Setting up a time slot.

This tip has helped me tremendously with dealing with my anxiety. People who suffer with anxiety, or are anxious in general, worry about little silly things throughout the day. You don't want to think about it, but you're just wired that way. Anxious people tend to overthink a lot, which eventually drives them crazy and thinking that every single decision in the past has been wrong. To deal with this, you must give yourself a particular time everyday to worry about these things or overthink about situations. For example, when you have negative thought about yourself or any actions you've made, or if you want to worry about something, tell yourself, I will worry about it at 8:00pm. By the time comes, you have forgotten about half the things you were anxious about!

3. Practice compassionate problem solving.

When you have a negative thought about yourself or you think you've done something wrong, don't beat yourself about it. Ask yourself, like you'd ask your friend 'what can I do about?' 'what can I learn from this experience?' 'How can I prevent it from happening again?'. Be gentle with yourself. You are your own best friend, remember that. 

4. Question your anxiety.

Turn around every question your anxiety posses. For instance, if your anxiety says, 'what if I fail this test' you turn around and say 'but what if I pass it'. This way you turn every negative thought into a positive one, simply by practicing mindfulness!

All of these tips are interconnected. You will feel your best self if you practice all of these simultaneously. Self transformation takes time, energy and work, but the end result is always worth it. 

Disclaimer: This post is for knowledge and educational purposes only. I am not a therapist or mental health consultant and do not claim to be. Please consult your consultant before you do/try any of the above mentioned points. The pictures used may or may not be original. If not the source is Pinterest. 


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